So I've been out of work due to medical issues once again. The devil is attacking us by trying to throw these issues at us. Notice I said trying. My wife and I knew that when you do good in the Lord's work, satan will attack. Well that's fine and dandy, I guess. But he's gonna get tired. We keep getting stronger and stronger, not only in the ability to lean on each other, but in our faith in God as well. Since I am out of work, we thought we would would volunteer some of our downtime between appointments and such at a local Christ based theater where we consider ourselves affiliated. What better way to counter satan's attacks than to step up more for God? As many of you know, any time you deal with the public, you'll get a little of the good, bad, and ugly. For the most part, people are kind and courteous. Of course there are always some that keep a frown on their face and prefer to be rude. And that's all good I guess. I have personally enjoyed volunteering my time for God. My wife and I, both, have enjoyed it. There is nothing better in this world than to do God's work, no matter how small it is. Whether it's pastoring a church, or ushering at a play, it pleases our Father.
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Saturday, November 15, 2014
It's Hard
This sounds relatively easy. And it is almost always the advice from the outside voice to the one who is troubled in some way. In a day where good people suffer, good people are persecuted, good people are condemned, it is hard to think that Jesus, our Lord and our Savior, would allow good people to suffer. Pains of this world are harsh. From cancers to wars to condemnation and persecution, it seems we have it pretty tough. Read closely, plans for good and not of disaster. If we are looking at the world, we won't find any plans for good and not of disaster. This world is full of corruption and dismay. So seek not anything of this world. The rest, to give you a future and a hope. Without Jesus we have no future, we have no hope. If we are His people then our future is there, in heaven with Him. That is our hope. That is our good. And that is NOT disaster. What makes us think we should ever rise above Jesus and not partake in suffering? Jesus came down here to buy our salvation at a very costly price. And we turned our back, after demanding he die for nothing, while he hung on a cross, alone, bearing the sins of all of us. So alone to the point that His Father, God, turned His back because the sin Jesus bore was too great. God had plans for Jesus. And those plans were for good, not of disaster, and for a future and hope. Jesus has those same plans for us.
Thursday, November 13, 2014
Life, Death, and Time
In the beginning of spring, there are so many signs of new life. The grass is getting greener. The trees are beginning to regain the leaves. Bushes are beginning to bloom. As spring turns into summer, and over the course of summer, life remains. Some remain almost the same throughout these seasons while others flourish. As fall rolls around, we begin to see the early signs of the fading away of these things. The leaves, the grass, the blooms, all begin to die. Soon, all the leaves have fallen and the grass is brown, bushes barren. Over the next few days I have related this to our lives as human beings. See, my wife and I visited an old cemetery the other day. I took my time, reading the headstones and absorbing some of the history. As I looked at the dates, perspective began to set in, I guess. Our life is like the seasons from spring to fall. We will be born, and we will die. There's no way around it. Just like we were born, we are appointed to die as well. Now, seeing that the appointed date of death is unknown to us, time is a beautiful gift from God. Life, well, that's just the time between birth and death. As I read the headstones and looked at dates, I realized that the gift of time is very different for everybody. Some people had 40-50 years of time on this earth. Some had as many as 80 or 90. And unfortunately, some only had a few months to a few years. Proving that death arrives unannounced. So why do so many people take advantage of the gift of time? I don't have an answer for that. But no matter the amount of time, it is a gift that isn't guaranteed. It is time to grow, spiritually, mentally, physically. Learn what God wants from you and do it. It is a time to love, and love wrecklessly. Don't waste time dwelling on negative things that will only drag you down and focus more on things that will create positivity. God looks at the life we have as the time He has given us. Don't waste it. The only time promised is the time it just took for you to take that last breath....
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
On June 15,2012,i had the amazing privilege of marrying the most wonderful woman I've ever known. We began our relationship with a common goal, to base our marriage completely around God. Marriage being the most important relationship God created, He used His Son, Jesus, and the Church as a model. At our wedding ceremony, just as Jesus humbled Himself to serve the church, I humbled myself, knelt down, and washed my wife's feet. A public display of humility and servitude towards the woman that I declared my love to. Over the course of our marriage, we have loved each other, praised God through thick and thin, and strived to learn and live as biblically as possible. With all that, we decided to be baptized together. A very special moment. I went first, and went to stand to the side as my wife went. Little did I know the pastor would ask me to join her in the water, to assist in the baptism. He simply said could do that now. At that moment, this special moment just exploded with symbolism and was a moment to be cherished deeply. To have my wife, the woman I lift to God in my prayers, in my arms as she was being baptized was..... indescribable. I was honored to do this for her. In doing so, the pastor "had a moment" before we got out of the water, as well as many in the congregation. I knew we had something special, and with the amount of people who approached us afterwards, others do too. I am blessed to have her as my wife. And we are blessed to be backed by an making God.
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
End Times
I watched a YouTube video today that was very interesting, calling out Barack Obama as the antichrist. Using two verses in particular, Luke 10:18 and Isaiah 14:14,and translating the president's name to come to this conclusion. The pronunciation of Barack is similar to the Hebrew or Aramaic word for the term lightening, while O is combining the word with heights. Translation to old language is pronounced close to Bama. End result of translation, Barack Obama equals lightening from the heights. We associate the heavens with being above the clouds which is what satan said he was ascending to in Isaiah. Makes sense, and while I can't debunk this, I can't really disagree either. During his presidency, Obama has manage to deteriorate and demoralize our nation as a whole. He has made us look weak and foolish to our peers and our enemies. If we look at recent events in the world, and watch John Hagee's Blood Moon sermon, this is definitely looking more and more like the end times than ever. It is not going to get better, I'm afraid. But I am thankful for the forgiveness and salvation that Jesus has gifted me with. When worse turns into worst, we will have ascending to our eternal home with Jesus Christ.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
False Gods
This may be a touchy thing for some. But hey, it's what I feel led to share. I serve an amazing God that has also served me as well. I do not have any interest in serving any false gods. I am, however, interested in what makes other people tick for other religions. So I looked at a couple of other religions and key points. I'll start with my own.
Formed in approximately 30-33 AD, Christianity, God is the creator of all things. He sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to this earth. He served as a model for us, living a perfect life. He also was the Sacrificed Lamb that died for our sins. God and Jesus, joined by the Holy Spirit, form the Trinity. The key part of Jesus' death was the resurrection after 3 days, and later was witnessed ascending to Heaven. There are no man made requirements to be baptized, only need is to be born again in the Spirit. And our salvation is free, He paid the price for our sins.
The next one I'll look at is Islam. Formed in approximately 622 AD, Muslims worship Allah. Allah is the creator of all things, and there is no Trinity. While Islam still recognizes some of the same prophets of Christianity, their main prophet is Mohammed. Mohammed is portrayed as a man who makes mistakes but never sins against God, so his humanity serves as a reminder that other humans can aspire to lead a good life. An interesting thing I found is Shahada. Shahada is taught from a young age and it means "death for Allah." And this is taught as a motivational tool from a very young age for all Muslims, men, women, and children, to seek death for Allah. Wow.
Next up was Mormonism. Founded in early 1800s by Joseph Smith, it has some far fetched beliefs. It teaches that the god of this earth was once a mortal man on another earth. He became a god by following Mormon laws in his previous life. According to your commitment to the laws, I assume, you will reach different levels of heaven. Brigham Young, Smith's successor, taught that God Himself came down and had sexual relations with Mary to conceive Jesus Christ. In order to reach an exalted state in manhood, you must be a good Mormon, tithing 10%, follow various man made laws and ordinances, and be found worthy, by the other worthy Mormons, of course.
Last is the Jehovah's Witness. Founded in the late 1800s, Jesus is also a single person and not part of a Trinity. Also is not omniscient. And, just like the other man made religions, there are man made rules. One must attend 5 meetings a week, one cannot be baptized until they have studied their material for 6 months, went door to door, and passed a test before elders of the group. One must refuse to vote, refuse to sing the Star Spangled Banner, refuse to celebrate Christmas or birthdays, or join the military. If you leave the JW organization, you will be shunned. Oh, they also change their bible frequently and tell followers they are closer to the light or the truth.
For me, these man made religions are hard to follow or understand. It doesn't seem fair to be judged by other men and for them to tell me if God forgives me or not. Or to think that my merciful, wonderful God was an alien, so to speak, rewarded for following the "rules." If I was a young child and I was being motivated and taught to seek death for my God, it would definitely cause me to shy away from that religion alone. Instead, I have chose to follow a God that loves, forgives, and requests me to spread the Gospel of His good name to others with the same love that He gives me.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Do You Even Repent, Bro?
Repent, to feel sincerely sorrowful for one's wrongdoing or sin, to turn away from that sin and live to the amendment of one's life. Jesus calls on us to repent from our sins. I think a lot of people feel that this is for Him. And while it is, He also wants us to do it for ourselves. More so than we think. If we live something over and over and do not repent of it, it begins to loom over us like a dark blanket. That's the Holy Spirit at work. To repent, cast all you sins at His feet, turn and leave them. I think one of the reasons Jesus wants us to do this, aside from no sin entering Heaven, is so that we can experience the full freedom He has given us to live abundantly. See, that little hindrance will prevent us from being full of Christ. It will prevent us from being the witness we need to be. It will stop us from fully worshipping God the way we should. This will have a snowball effect on our relationship with Christ. 2 Corinthians 7:9-10 says (9)yet now I am happy, not because you were made sorry, but because your sorrow led you to repentance. For you became sorrowful as God intended and so were not harmed in any way by us. (10)Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death. He wants us to repent to experience joy and freedom versus the devil's plot to cause sorrow with sin and lead us away from God unto death, not everlasting life. Who's plan are you following?
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Hey guys, I know it's been awhile. I'm sorry. It seems that when you try to do something good for the Kingdom the devil will cause us to fill our time elsewhere with other things. Anyway...
I was talking with a guy the other day and the topic of reproach came up. We talked about the verses in Matthew 18. 15-17 talks about pointing out the faults or sins of your brother, one on one at first. If that doesn't work to take one or two brethren with you to witness. Maybe some elders or deacons from the church. Then if that said person doesn't accept we are to explain to the entire church the situation. That's kind of a last resort before he is considered a heathen man or a publican according to the Bible. Sadly, this is the attitude of many Christians today, they feel they are above reproach. Even many leaders and pastors. This is a sign of spiritual maturity I think. Or lack thereof. We should appreciate the fact that our brothers in Christ love us enough to point out where we may be making a mistake. Even though 1 Timothy talks about the overseers being above reproach, none that walk this earth are. Only Jesus can claim that perfection. We all should live the way Paul explained in the next verses, with dignity and respect for Jesus Christ. Striving to be as perfect as we possibly can to achieve our goal, Heaven.
Our relationship with Christ is the most important part of our salvation. Not the amount of books we have read or the knowledge we gain from them. Sometimes I think that knowledge gets in the way of the relationship and gives a false sense of superiority. There's only one on high and that's Jesus.
Monday, May 5, 2014
Get Off Your High Horse!!!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
Reach Out With Love
I wanted to say something about prejudgment. I know a lot of times we will say things about someone like, "If they were a Christian, they wouldn't ______," or we will use the overused saying, "Hate the sin, not the sinner." Many times we won't even give someone a chance based on a prejudgment of ones clothes or body jewelry. Pants too baggy, stainless steel jewelry, backwards hat, whatever. It's not for us to worry about. If it's wrong, fine. Let it be wrong at the time. Maybe they are not a Christian, how do you plan on winning them over for Christ with the "hate the sin" motto. This person may feel it's just who they are, and if you hate the sin, then you must hate them too. Love the sinner, and try to guide them away from the sin with that same love. This approach may work better. I'm willing to bet if we could change our approach, the people would be at least more willing to listen. That's what I can say about that subject.
Now let's take dress codes, and tattoos, earrings and such. I, personally, feel that these can go too far. But not everyone can't wear a three piece suit daily. Who wants to, really? I enjoy my jeans and t-shirts just fine. Tattoos and piercings, much debate on this topic. I have both. I feel that, in a world of much worse, a young person may see me or someone else with the same and think "Maybe being a Christian is achievable." If we place them in a box due to small issues like that, they may never come to Christ. Some need to learn how to step down from their high horses and reach out to these people, WITH LOVE. Jesus loved the worst of people and led them with love, taught them with love, served them with love. We need to do the same.
Thank you and I hope everyone has a wonderful day. God bless you.
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Good Friday and Easter
Easter isn't about the candy, or the bunnies, or the eggs. It's about the resurrection of the Man we call Jesus Christ. Take time tomorrow to put this into perspective. Sit down at some point and share this with the little ones, and the adults. I hope everyone has a wonderful day. And God bless you all.
Monday, April 14, 2014
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Tuesday, April 1, 2014
Our wives, our helpmates.
See, men are stubborn and we do not want to ever accept that our wives were right about anything. It's a guy thing. Men are actually quite dumb at times. We can be stubborn, absent minded, and dead on many occasions. Jesus knows this. That is why He created Eve. Our wives are the brains of the operation. Rationality, sensibility, and other things men don't typically acquire easily. I learned a lesson yesterday. Listen to the woman. She speaks with great wisdom. Thank you all and have a nice day. God bless you all.
Saturday, March 29, 2014
Goal for CIA
Thursday, March 27, 2014
The Storm
Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
Hebrews 11:7 ESV
By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.
One of my favorites is the parable of the bridesmaids. Matthew 25:1 is where it starts. Being prepared is a requirement to enter the Kingdom just like a diploma is require to graduate high school. Many people are missing this.
Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
There are many verses on trusting the Lord. But this one says enough I think.
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Through All Circumstances
Give praise in all circumstances.
Sunday, March 23, 2014
My testimony
Saturday, March 22, 2014