Tuesday, April 8, 2014


Relationships are an important part of life. There are several different types; parent/child, friend/friend, husband/wife, to name a few. Each one is unique and has a designed purpose and particular way to go about. I just wanted to say something brief on each one. First is the friend relationship. This is the mutual respect relationship, or should be. Both parties should strive to lift the other up, hold the other accountable and try to steer them straight. Should, although it is rarely seen in today's society. A true friend is something valuable. Next is the parent/child. This one holds great responsibility. We have been given the gift of another human being to raise them according to God's Word. Direct them in the direction of the Kingdom. And hopefully, they will make all the right decisions, if not, love them, correct them, and continue to try to guide them to Jesus. It's hard to think about, but ultimately the final decision to follow Christ is theirs. Last I will mention is the marriage relationship. This is the most important relationship, I think. It is the model of Jesus and the Church. So it is to be nurtured the way Jesus nurtures the Church. I think if it was not the most important, it would have been at a wedding that Jesus would have chose to perform His first miracle (turning water into wine.) just a couple of things to think about. 

Today, many people have their priorities all mixed up. I see people putting kids before spouses (don't take it wrong, not saying to neglect the child.) I see couples putting more time and effort into friends or work than their marriage. We all need to get our ducks in a row, get our priorities straight. 1) GOD, let's keep our eyes on Him as our number one and He will guide us without failure. 2) SPOUSE, Jesus intends for us to treat our spouse the way He does the Church, being the servant as well as the master. 3) CHILDREN, raise them and lead them in the direction of Christ. Discipline them out of pure love and remind them God has a purpose for their life. 4) FRIENDS, if you have them great, if not, that's fine too. I count mine on one hand, because I truly feel if you doing things according to God, only true friends will be left and they will understand that your time is being spent on 1-3. Thank you and God bless you all. Have a nice day!!


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