Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Our wives, our helpmates.

I was not prepared tonight for a huge topic, so I will just share a story. Yesterday, I attempted to replace a ball joint on the vehicle. Being a typical male, I didn't want to pay someone for what I thought I could do. My wife, as loving as she could, asked me to just let the mechanic do it several times before yesterday. I am stubborn. I proceeded. I fought with over tightened bolts, smashed my finger, became highly frustrated. My wife had to leave and didn't get to experience this, thankfully. After many hours of tugging and pulling, I gave up, put it all back together, and cleaned up. She won. She also explained to me why she didn't want me doing it. A) Time, I fought with something all afternoon that I wasn't prepared to do in the first place. So, time wasted really. B) She was worried about me. After 3 back surgeries, a heart condition, and a brain injury, I didn't need to attempt it in the first place. She said she never doubted I could do it with the proper tools, she was just worried about me.
See, men are stubborn and we do not want to ever accept that our wives were right about anything. It's a guy thing. Men are actually quite dumb at times. We can be stubborn, absent minded, and dead on many occasions. Jesus knows this. That is why He created Eve. Our wives are the brains of the operation. Rationality, sensibility, and other things men don't typically acquire easily. I learned a lesson yesterday. Listen to the woman. She speaks with great wisdom. Thank you all and have a nice day. God bless you all.


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