Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Reach Out With Love

Hey guys. I'm a little behind this week and I do apologize.

I wanted to say something about prejudgment. I know a lot of times we will say things about someone like, "If they were a Christian, they wouldn't ______," or we will use the overused saying, "Hate the sin, not the sinner."  Many times we won't even give someone a chance based on a prejudgment of ones clothes or body jewelry. Pants too baggy, stainless steel jewelry, backwards hat, whatever. It's not for us to worry about. If it's wrong, fine. Let it be wrong at the time. Maybe they are not a Christian, how do you plan on winning them over for Christ with the "hate the sin" motto. This person may feel it's just who they are, and if you hate the sin, then you must hate them too. Love the sinner, and try to guide them away from the sin with that same love. This approach may work better. I'm willing to bet if we could change our approach, the people would be at least more willing to listen. That's what I can say about that subject.

Now let's take dress codes, and tattoos, earrings and such. I, personally, feel that these can go too far. But not everyone can't wear a three piece suit daily. Who wants to, really? I enjoy my jeans and t-shirts just fine. Tattoos and piercings, much debate on this topic. I have both. I feel that, in a world of much worse, a young person may see me or someone else with the same and think "Maybe being a Christian is achievable." If we place them in a box due to small issues like that, they may never come to Christ. Some need to learn how to step down from their high horses and reach out to these people, WITH LOVE. Jesus loved the worst of people and led them with love, taught them with love, served them with love. We need to do the same.
Thank you and I hope everyone has a wonderful day. God bless you.

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