Saturday, August 16, 2014

False Gods

This may be a touchy thing for some. But hey, it's what I feel led to share. I serve an amazing God that has also served me as well. I do not have any interest in serving any false gods. I am, however, interested in what makes other people tick for other religions. So I looked at a couple of other religions and key points. I'll start with my own.
Formed in approximately 30-33 AD, Christianity, God is the creator of all things. He sent His only begotten son, Jesus Christ, to this earth. He served as a model for us, living a perfect life. He also was the Sacrificed Lamb that died for our  sins. God and Jesus, joined by the Holy Spirit, form the Trinity. The key part of Jesus' death was the resurrection after 3 days, and later was witnessed ascending to Heaven. There are no man made requirements to be baptized, only need is to be born again in the Spirit. And our salvation is free, He paid the price for our sins.
The next one I'll look at is Islam. Formed in approximately 622 AD, Muslims worship Allah. Allah is the creator of all things, and there is no Trinity. While Islam still recognizes some of the same prophets of Christianity, their main prophet is Mohammed. Mohammed is portrayed as a man who makes mistakes but never sins against God, so his humanity serves as a reminder that other humans can aspire to lead a good life. An interesting thing I found is Shahada. Shahada is taught from a young age and it means "death for Allah." And this is taught as a motivational tool from a very young age for all Muslims, men, women, and children, to seek death for Allah. Wow.
Next up was Mormonism. Founded in early 1800s by Joseph Smith, it has some far fetched beliefs. It teaches that the god of this earth was once a mortal man on another earth. He became a god by following Mormon laws in his previous life. According to your commitment to the laws, I assume, you will reach different levels of heaven. Brigham Young, Smith's successor, taught that God Himself came down and had sexual relations with Mary to conceive Jesus Christ. In order to reach an exalted state in manhood, you must be a good Mormon, tithing 10%, follow various man made laws and ordinances, and be found worthy, by the other worthy Mormons, of course.
Last is the Jehovah's Witness. Founded in the late 1800s, Jesus is also a single person and not part of a Trinity. Also is not omniscient. And, just like the other man made religions, there are man made rules. One must attend 5 meetings a week, one cannot be baptized until they have studied their material for 6 months, went door to door, and passed a test before elders of the group. One must refuse to vote, refuse to sing the Star Spangled Banner, refuse to celebrate Christmas or birthdays, or join the military. If you leave the JW organization, you will be shunned. Oh, they also change their bible frequently and tell followers they are closer to the light or the truth.

For me, these man made religions are hard to follow or understand. It doesn't seem fair to be judged by other men and for them to tell me if God forgives me or not. Or to think that my merciful, wonderful God was an alien, so to speak, rewarded for following the "rules." If I was a young child and I was being motivated and taught to seek death for my God, it would definitely cause me to shy away from that religion alone. Instead, I have chose to follow a God that loves, forgives, and requests me to spread the Gospel of His good name to others with the same love that He gives me.

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