Thursday, November 23, 2017


     Thanksgiving. As I stand in my kitchen, I think. What are we all thankful for? I have worked in a wind tunnel (figuratively speaking) all week. I’ve been cold, bitterly cold. Today, I am in pain. My shoulder is uncomfortably hurting. But before you take my words as complaints, let me clarify. I have been thankful to feel the bitterly cold wind scratching across my face. My shoulder, while it’s nagging, I praise God that I can feel the pain. We have a couple of our guests here. Our children. More expected to come soon, my daughter, her husband, and her daughter, our grandchild. Unfortunately, not everyone we want to be here can, or will. But I am thankful for what we do have here. I’ve been trying really hard to not focus on what is absent, but putting a huge effort on concentrating on what’s present. God is present. His presence in my life is what I am most thankful for. For it is His presence in my life that has given me so much. I can’t go into every little detail of what I am thankful for today, and everyday. That would make for a very long entry. But I wanted to make sure I touch on a few. Jesus, first and foremost, for saving me from the direction I was heading and remaining in my life through every trial. My wife, for being an amazing woman and the best wife in the world. She has endured a lot and no matter what the battle is ahead, I know she will be by my side, supporting me and encouraging me like no other. I am thankful for my children, whether they are here or not. Pain, I am thankful for it, ironically. Whether it has been an emotional pain or a physical pain in my life, Jesus has walked me through every step, showing me that everything will be ok. And the lessons I have learned through the pain have been monumental. 

     So, today, I’m going to enjoy what I have, and be thankful for it. I pray that you can do the same. Until next time, may God bless you and yours. 

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Dark Sunday

     It is in the quiet of the morning that I sit. I don’t have to work today, so there is no time to be or do. I grabbed something to drink, read a chapter in my book, and I think I am going to pray now.... hang on. 
     Alright. It is in this quiet that my thought process seems to get started. On a typical day, though, I am rushed with getting ready for work and facing the tasks of the day. Today, I have slowed down, taking advantage of the absence of obligations for a moment, listening to His gentle whisper and feeling His presence. 
     Last week was a rough one for me, mentally. And by the time Sunday rolled around, it had taken a toll on me physically and emotionally. I wasn’t me. Not at all was I at myself. I slept virtually all day, deep into the afternoon. And then I went to sleep hours earlier than usual. It was during those dark hours that I realized it was time to make a choice. 
     We are all faced with a time when we have to make a choice to stop, to say no, to put an end to something. Unfortunately, 9 times out of 10, while we are making the healthiest choice, there is going to be repercussions. 
     I am a Christian. Many times, people think that gives them the right to trample me, to take advantage of me, to poison (not in the literal term) me. I can only be stepped upon so many times. It’s not the old saying goes where you get use to the pain, it begins to hurt. It hurts especially bad when the steps are coming from those who verbally claim change and can speak to my face apologetically, then be totally different when I am not around. My good deeds can only be taken advantage of so many times before I realize that they are not appreciated. It was only a matter of time before I realized my deeds and words were all in vain, pouring into a vessel that was not only not receptive, but was also intentionally hurtful. I had ingested so much of the poison that it had started to affect me, killing me slowly. That’s where I was this past Sunday. In a dark place, dying, slowly. I didn’t like it. 
     I had to make the choice to say no more. And almost immediately, just like I knew it would, the repercussions began. My decision was suddenly dubbed and I was being “unchristian-like.” That couldn’t be farther from the truth. If anything, others were, and are still, blind to the many efforts and words poured into the situation. I simply evaluated a situation and made the call to eliminate the level of toxicity I was allowing into my life. I have to love and pray from a safe distance for myself. And that is the decision I prayed about and feel is the most valuable. By no means is that “unchristian” of me, or anyone else that needs some removal in their life. Pray about it. Things will be revealed and God will guide you in the direction that needs to be taken. 

                                                                                              God Bless

Friday, August 4, 2017

Why All the Drama?

      Drama. That seems to be the hot trend. Well, at least in some people's lives. And I'll never understand. Not for the life of me. It is like a never ending parasitic feeding frenzy that absolutely destroys. Stress levels soar. Nerves are shot. It's a killer, really. There is nothing beautiful to be found in the aftermath that drama leaves. Not even a microscopic trace. Yet, people still want it. They thrive off of it. They will go to the ends of the earth just to start it with some sort of petty statement they have fabricated in their sick, little mind. They will try to destroy anything AND everything around them. I often ask myself, "Why?"
     I may never know the real answer, but I do know that they can't know what happiness is. There is no possible way they could have a hint what love is. Peace? They know nothing of the sort. These, leeches, only know drama, stress, chaos, and all that ensues. Since they are not happy, they can't stand the fact that anyone else is happy. They will suck the joy out of everyone around them and destroy any chance of achieving that emotion, around them or away from them. Love is something that only know the opposite of. Love isn't destroying all who are around you. Love isn't throwing rocks to shatter other's dreams because you can't dream yourself. The reason they can't dream is their mind is too busy fabricating statements to make themselves feel better or to attempt to destroy someone else. Peace is a ghost. How could there possibly be peace inside a mind of corruption, deception, lies, and hatred? 
     I am thankful this isn't my life. While there those who will try to destroy me with the fabricated statements of their sick fantasy world, I'll stand tall. I will not fight the same battle as them. Jennifer and I have created a wonderful thing. This marriage is...... strong. I can lean on her and she can lean on me. We will withstand the nonsense. Good will prevail. God will prevail. 

     I do sometimes wonder, when will they realize that the life they live, while trying to destroy everything around them, they are, in reality, destroying themselves? The haunting of all of the lies, all the deception, all the drama and stress, will eat away at you like vultures on a decaying carcass. And it won't stop until there's nothing left to pick apart. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

I Speak

     So, God moves me to speak to people sometimes. And it seems that, every time he does, there is more going on than meets the eye. It still amazes me that when I speak to someone, I've went through something similar in my life. 
     The other day I was led to talk to a young man that reminds me a lot of the old me. Our conversation was pretty deep and heart felt. I could tell that Jesus was tugging at him, and he needed direction. Not necessarily my direction, but the direction of Jesus. As we talked, the young man proceeded to tell me how he wanted to do this or he wanted to be that. Sadly, just like the old me and many other people, he wanted to reach that destination first, before rededicating his life to Christ. He was pleased when I told him that Jesus was waiting, and would help him resolve his reservations. He appreciated me taking him aside and talking to him. But I'm not sure he realizes it meant a lot to me as well. 

     I have realized more the past couple of months that we all have something to learn from others, regardless of how far they are in their walk with Christ. I needed to stop worrying about the reaction when I ask "Can I talk to you for second?" I needed to stop worrying about whether or not I had all the right words. I just needed to move when Jesus says move. Speak when He says speak. The result, when I listen, is always three fold. The other person is more receptive to Jesus moving in their life. Also, relieved because someone spoke with them. I usually learn a lot from the conversation and can relate to help. And Jesus is able to do more work on the heart of both parties. 

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Claim Without Belief

     There has been a growing problem within the church for decades. I'm not really sure what the root cause is, or even when it started. I do know that it has gotten worse, way worse, over the past few years. 
     How many of us know someone who lives a mess, tainted with the ways of the world, no repentance, and not a good fruit to find, yet, they claim to be Christians? How many of us know that person who lives a life, absent of Christ, but drops a request for prayer here and there and has everyone fooled? I know I do, and I'm sure many of you do, too. 
     There are millions of people out there who have fell victim to the devil's lies and think a simple claim will get them to Heaven. A simple claim that, in reality, only gives them comfort of some sort of rescue from the sins they love to commit. A claim without belief is worthless. Truth is, if that claim was true, they would back up those claim with abounding truth. That claim would be evident in the way they live. Sadly, these people are so far from Christ it's scary. I know for many of these people, they face hard times and difficult situation, prayer is requested. Do they not know that Jesus does not hear the prayers of a sinner? He does not know the sinner. A believer can pray on their behalf, and a believer will be heard. What blows my mind about that is this, if you think prayer helps, why are you not living for Christ? 


Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Believer

I Believe

     So, the other day while at work with a Christian radio station playing, a guy says, "Somebody is a believer!"
     I do not know the guy personally, but I do know he is a believer, as well. The strange thing is when he said it, I had a flood of thoughts running through my brain. 
     I believe in God, the Father. Jesus? Holy Spirit? I stand firm. Was that all there was to believe? Is saying I believe in Christ enough? I let my thoughts run wild with this question. 
     I believe that there is an almighty God that sent down His only Son to perform miracles on this earth. I also believe that this Son was the one who I, the filthy sinner, hung on the cross for my salvation. Is it true that this Jesus I believe in is relevant and present today? OF COURSE HE IS! I can't help but to believe whole heartedly in Jesus. I believe with all that I have that He performed a miracle on my spine when my surgeon told my wife I had a 98% chance of being wheel chair bound. I believe that when my neurologist was looking for that tumor that had steadily grown on my brain for two years, Jesus had a hand on it. As I was facing brain surgery after that last scan, I believe that Jesus performed a miracle and took it away. I believe that through the grace of our Holy Father and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that we are sanctified and cleansed by the blood of Christ so that we can be worthy of a Kingdom that is not of this earth. 
     So when the questions arise if I am a believer....... YOU BETCHA I AM!!!!!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

The Fruit

     Every day I walk along and I see people abusing the title of Christian. I'm not sure where people got the idea that, if they claim to be Christian, they can live however they want and it's all ok. It's not. It's not ok to live the same filthy life of sin that you did before you were saved. In fact, if in your mind it isn't crushingly convicting to live the same way, there is a very important question to ask yourself. "Do I really have Jesus in my heart?" 
     Saved. It means exactly that, saved from your life of sin. Now, I'm not saying that you're going to lead a perfect life after salvation, no one does. We are not perfect. However, we should strive every day to be as close to the model Jesus gave us when He walked the earth. And when we fail, repent!! Don't just walk right back to the same sin over and over. If that's what we are going to do then what's the point in being saved, right? And if we truly have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us, how can we? 
     The problem is people want to be saved from the consequences of their actions, without ever putting forth the effort to walk as Jesus commands us to walk. The Gospel is watered down in our churches. No one wants to be bold in preaching to the brethren or the lost, much less reproaching fellow Christians. We are to judge by the fruit of the tree. A good tree does not, and CAN NOT, produce bad fruit. And vice versa. 
     That's all I have to say about that at the moment. I could go on and on, but I won't. So, until next time, God bless you all.