Monday, May 15, 2017

I Speak

     So, God moves me to speak to people sometimes. And it seems that, every time he does, there is more going on than meets the eye. It still amazes me that when I speak to someone, I've went through something similar in my life. 
     The other day I was led to talk to a young man that reminds me a lot of the old me. Our conversation was pretty deep and heart felt. I could tell that Jesus was tugging at him, and he needed direction. Not necessarily my direction, but the direction of Jesus. As we talked, the young man proceeded to tell me how he wanted to do this or he wanted to be that. Sadly, just like the old me and many other people, he wanted to reach that destination first, before rededicating his life to Christ. He was pleased when I told him that Jesus was waiting, and would help him resolve his reservations. He appreciated me taking him aside and talking to him. But I'm not sure he realizes it meant a lot to me as well. 

     I have realized more the past couple of months that we all have something to learn from others, regardless of how far they are in their walk with Christ. I needed to stop worrying about the reaction when I ask "Can I talk to you for second?" I needed to stop worrying about whether or not I had all the right words. I just needed to move when Jesus says move. Speak when He says speak. The result, when I listen, is always three fold. The other person is more receptive to Jesus moving in their life. Also, relieved because someone spoke with them. I usually learn a lot from the conversation and can relate to help. And Jesus is able to do more work on the heart of both parties. 

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