Tuesday, April 25, 2017

A Believer

I Believe

     So, the other day while at work with a Christian radio station playing, a guy says, "Somebody is a believer!"
     I do not know the guy personally, but I do know he is a believer, as well. The strange thing is when he said it, I had a flood of thoughts running through my brain. 
     I believe in God, the Father. Jesus? Holy Spirit? I stand firm. Was that all there was to believe? Is saying I believe in Christ enough? I let my thoughts run wild with this question. 
     I believe that there is an almighty God that sent down His only Son to perform miracles on this earth. I also believe that this Son was the one who I, the filthy sinner, hung on the cross for my salvation. Is it true that this Jesus I believe in is relevant and present today? OF COURSE HE IS! I can't help but to believe whole heartedly in Jesus. I believe with all that I have that He performed a miracle on my spine when my surgeon told my wife I had a 98% chance of being wheel chair bound. I believe that when my neurologist was looking for that tumor that had steadily grown on my brain for two years, Jesus had a hand on it. As I was facing brain surgery after that last scan, I believe that Jesus performed a miracle and took it away. I believe that through the grace of our Holy Father and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit that we are sanctified and cleansed by the blood of Christ so that we can be worthy of a Kingdom that is not of this earth. 
     So when the questions arise if I am a believer....... YOU BETCHA I AM!!!!!

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