Saturday, January 30, 2016

Falling Apart

    So, this year didn't start out as planned. Well, the way I had planned, anyway. I still have in focus many things that I have set out to do this year. I still feel like I have room to work on the things to better myself as an individual. 
    As I write this, Casting Crowns is streaming and the song "Just Be Held" is playing. Funny, at the very moment I wrote the second sentence, I heard the lyrics, "you're life isn't falling apart, it's falling into place." It wasn't my plan to lose my job. Obviously, it was God's plan. As hard as it is to swallow at times, His plans are better than ours. Keeping faith in the hard times in life may be hard, it may look very gloomy at times. But, when I think of what God has brought me through to this day, I know my best option is to lay it all at His feet, let Him take these problems from my hands. I'll continue to do my part in the search, but I'll leave it up to Him to open the door, rather than me not following His lead and busting down the door to what I feel is best. Thank you, Jesus, for having the faith in me to walk the path you have chosen for me. 

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