Saturday, March 29, 2014

Goal for CIA

Hello again!!! I just wanted to write a lil bit to let you know what I'm doing. This blog is title Chosen Instrument Appointed, and for good reason. The verse that sparks this title is Acts 9:15. I, personally, feel like each and every Christian has been called to do something. For some, this could be a huge calling to go on missions overseas or pastor a church. For others it could be as simple as just sharing the Word of God, living a life that reflects the Light of God, not the world. We are all disciples if we have been saved under the blood of Jesus, so let us not squander our potentials that God gave us. My goal is to spread the gospel, here on my blog, on my YouTube channel and on my FB page Please visit all of these and like, comment, share, and subscribe as much as possible. Help me spread the Gospel of Jesus through the web. 
Another thing I wanted to mention was that I was gonna try to start a regular schedule. Blogs and vlogs should have a post up every Tuesday and FB will just be whenever. Thank you all. Have a nice day and God bless you all. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

The Storm

Matthew 24:44 ESV
Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.

Hebrews 11:7 ESV
By faith Noah, being warned by God concerning events as yet unseen, in reverent fear constructed an ark for the saving of his household. By this he condemned the world and became an heir of the righteousness that comes by faith.

One of my favorites is the parable of the bridesmaids. Matthew 25:1 is where it starts. Being prepared is a requirement to enter the Kingdom just like a diploma is require to graduate high school. Many people are missing this.

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

There are many verses on trusting the Lord. But this one says enough I think.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Through All Circumstances

Well, we all go through things in life. Some are indeed worse than others. Jesus never promised we wouldn't see trials. He never promised we wouldn't see hard times. But, He does promise us that He will be right beside us every step of the way. My wife and I have had a rough two year start to our marriage. A short 9 days into our new life, my back went out and I spent a month in a wheelchair with little hope from doctors that I was gonna get back to normal. During those times, we prayed, read, studied, and tried to keep a positive attitude, as best we could. We still tried to use this time to allow people to see Jesus through us, and not be bitter to the situation. Two major back surgeries, a couple of miracles, and six months down the road, I was doing good. Things were back to normal. Unfortunately normal didn't last long. Another accident came out of the blue, prompting a small army of specialists and tests for the next 6 months. Now, many months after that accident and after my last test, normal may not ever be achieved again. Future is unexpected and unpredictable, always is. One thing is constant, Jesus. It is hard at times to praise Him through tough situations, I know. When things aren't going your way, it is hard to give thanks. See, this life isn't always about us. These trials are simply that, trials. He will be there for us through it all, never failing. Remember, He didn't give us whatever we are going through, but He is allowing it. Be thankful that He has the faith in you that you can endure, and call on Him for guidance. I am. Also, people are watching. How we handle our own issues can affect others, either pushing them away from or drawing them closer to Jesus.  

Give praise in all circumstances.


Sunday, March 23, 2014

My testimony

Hello again.... I thought I would give a small testimony of my life as I begin this new journey. As many, I grew up having a knowledge of a man called Jesus. I went to VBS on occasion and Sunday school every now and then. As I grew into my teen years, still not having true knowledge of who Jesus was, my actions as a young man nothing to be proud of. Not my family, me, especially not God. I didn't know Him at the time so I wasn't too concerned. I became addicted to things of this world, alcohol and sex took over. And I continued down this dark path because I felt I could dig myself out all on my own. I left for the Marine Corps straight out of high school thinking that would help straighten me out. I attended church every Sunday while in boot camp. Listened at times. Being medically released shortly after graduation, I had straightened up I thought, but never gained a relationship with Jesus. In fact I had turned my back on the concept all together. There was one guy in my squad bay who told me everyday about Jesus, even when I didn't want to hear it. When I got home, naturally I plummeted back into my old ways. This went on for years. I grew into a depression, yet I kept it bottled up inside. At a church service when I was about 23, I broke out into a weeping mess. I realized Jesus was trying to save me. I went forward and was soon baptized. Like so many though, that fire dwindled and I later only claimed to be Christian while living like the world. Faking things on Sundays or when I would see a fellow church member at the store. It wasn't until I had been drug through the mud, and became angry with God, that He would get through to me. I prayed many nights to die before I woke so I would not have to face another day. Well, I'm still alive. God has a plan for me and wasn't going to let go even when I had let go of myself. He saw me through all those years of addictions and faking it, and placed me where I am today. I am so thankful that He is more faithful than me. I serve an awesome God, and I feel this is what He is calling me to do. I do not look like the typical Christian that most would suspect. Maybe I'm a little rough around the edges. But I feel I am a chosen instrument just like Saul, chosen to spread the Gospel to whomever I can reach. 

Saturday, March 22, 2014


       Hello. I have decided to start a blog to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and what He has done for me. My wife and I have had an unforeseen journey the first couple of years, to say the least. But through those accidents and incidents, God has shown me more and more how to depend on Him. My faith has grown, and through that I have tried to broaden my knowledge of the Bible. I have a strong calling to do some sort of ministry, and I feel it is to use my words, whether written or spoken, to reach out. This is the main reason for this and my YouTube channel. I am not a Biblical scholar by any means, nor am I a scholar at all really. I know many people feel the way I have felt when walking into a church. Out of place because you're not wearing a shirt and tie, maybe you have earrings or tattoos, or you have a past that you think Jesus will not forgive. The good news is Jesus doesn't care about a shirt or tie, tattoos or earrings, and His forgiveness is abundant and scatters like the sea. Many times pastors have the ability and actions that place Christianity in an unattainable place for the average man. This was me, thinking I could not make it because I was not perfect like them, or my dress code doesn't match. None of those things matter, He just wants us to follow Him and His instructions for life.  A life with the King on your side is a whole new life. It's a wonderful life. I hope that this blog reaches out in ways that other places won't. If you or anyone you know likes or needs to hear the Word from an everyday person, send them here. Have a nice day to all, and God bless. 
