Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Work Week

     In this world, we work to pay bills. Sometimes it may even seem like we work. Sadly, in many cases, both parties in a marriage work to either make ends meat OR they have an overwhelming want for material things. The latter is more and more an issue of today's society. 
     Now, don't get me wrong here. I'm not bashing those who have to work to make it. I'm not even blaming those where both parties want to work. As for Jennifer and I, we choose to follow the Lord's intentions by way of the husband being the leader and bread winner, if you will, of the home. She chooses to follow my lead, and fully embraces the Proverbs 31 role. Looking at Titus 2:5, a wife is called to be workers of the home, even after the children are gone. In this, I am blessed. 
     So the other day, I was talking with a guy at work. He made a derogatory comment about me not being committed enough to work 6 days a week. I'm sure he was just playing, at least I'd hope so. I told him if, and it was a big if, he could completely debunk my reasoning for not working, I would gladly dedicate my days off to my job. I told him, 

     "My days off are dedicated to my wife, my marriage. Whether we are doing anything or not, that time is for us to simply be together. God doesn't ordain my place of employment. He doesn't ordain my title or even my paycheck. He ordains my marriage. I can't take care of my wife and marriage if I'm dedicating my off days to my employment. And while I love the place I work, it isn't worth robbing my wife of even more time than what is required. Again, while I love my place of employment, if it ever became mandatory to be here that much, or even frowned upon if I'm not, I would have to look for something else." 

     In his response of silence, and an ever so slight head nod, I assumed he understood.