One scene that stood out to me was that of a healing of a young boy. To reference the Bible, this story is in John 9. One of the townspeople stepped out to Jesus after he was asked to be healed and said, "Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he would be born blind?" It was the answer that stuck out to me. Jesus answered, "Neither this man nor his parents have sinned. But he has been born blind so that the works of God can be displayed in him." Amazing. Many people have tendency to think that God punishes us with harsh consequences when we sin. While this may be true for those who do not know Jesus or have turned their back on the Father, it is not true that He simply does this to His children. I guess what I'm saying is as sure as Jesus performed miracles while He walked this earth, He is still performing miracles today. Keep the faith. Even that of a mustard seed is enough faith to witness the miracles of Jesus. I remember when my wife and I were going through our first big trial with my back, a short 9 days after our wedding day. It was said by an individual that this was God's punishment for my sins. We shook off the comment, kept our faith in our Father, and sure enough, He came through with a miracle. Even the surgeon said it was out of his hands.
Please, as many of us will face medical and physical trials while we are on this earth, remember that they are not punishment for anything that we have done in our pasts. We have been forgiven and every circumstance is a chance for us to show relentless faith and wait for God's miracle.